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1Magnetic Field Control of the Quantum Chaotic Dynamics of Hydrogen Analogs in an Anisotropic Crystal FieldZhou, Weihang; Chen, Zhanghai*; Zhang, Bo; Yu, C. H.; Lu, Wei; Shen, S. C.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS:2010,105(2):2410120107.6223
2Electronic-Structure-Driven Magnetic and Structure Transitions in Superconducting NaFeAs Single Crystals Measured by Angle-Resolved Photoemission SpectroscopyHe, C.; Zhang, Y.; Xie, B. P.; Wang, X. F.; Yang, L. X.; Zhou, B.; Chen, F.; Arita, M.; Shimada, K.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.; Chen, X. H.; Hu, J. P.; Feng, D. L.*PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS:2010,105(11):11700220107.62228
3Out-of-Plane Momentum and Symmetry-Dependent Energy Gap of the Pnictide Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 Superconductor Revealed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission SpectroscopyZhang, Y.; Yang, L. X.; Chen, F.; Zhou, B.; Wang, X. F.; Chen, X. H.; Arita, M.; Shimada, K.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.; Hu, J. P.; Xie, B. P.; Feng, D. L*.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS:2010,105(11):11700320107.62228
4Quantum Criticality and Nodal Superconductivity in the FeAs-Based Superconductor KFe2As2Dong, J. K.; Zhou, S. Y.; Guan, T. Y.; Zhang, H.; Dai, Y. F.; Qiu, X.; Wang, X. F.; He, Y.; Chen, X. H.; Li, S. Y*.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS:2010,104(8):8700520107.622113
5Strong spin-orbit splitting in graphene with adsorbed Au atomsMa, Dongwei; Li, Zhongyao; Yang, Zhongqin*CARBON:2010,50(1):297-30520105.86817
6Single-crystalline hexagonal ZnO microtube optical resonatorsDong, Hongxing; Chen, Zhanghai*; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Tan, H. Hoe; Lu, Jian; Jagadish, Chennupati; Shen, XuechuJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY:2010,20(26):5510-551520105.1017
7Metallic and Ionic Fe Induced Growth of Si-SiOx Core-Shell NanowiresNie, Tian-Xiao; Chen, Zhi-Gang; Wu, Yue-Qin; Wang, Jia-Le; Zhang, Jiu-Zhan; Fan, Yong-Liang; Yang, Xin-Ju; Jiang, Zui-Min*; Zou, JinJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C:2010,114(36):15370-1537620104.52411
8Facile Synthesis and Ultraviolet Lasing Properties a ZnO MicrotubesDong, Hongxing; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Weihang; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C:2010,114(41):17369-1737320104.524140
9g-factor tuning in self-assembled quantum dotsSheng, Weidong*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,96(13):13310220103.8415
10IMechanism of surface leakage of nanoscale Schottky contacts between ErSi2 nanoislands and Si(001)Song, J. Q.; Ding, T.; Cai, Q.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,96(20):20311320103.8412
11Internal potential distribution in organic light emitting diodes measured by dc bridgeYin, X. R.; Le, Y. K.; Gao, X. D.; Sun, Z. Y.; Hou, X. Y.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,97(15):15330520103.8414
12Measuring the two-photon absorption cross sections of thiol-capped CdTe quantum dots in living cellsZheng, Shen; Chen, Ji-Yao; Wang, Pei-Nan; Yang, Wu-Li; Zhou, Lu-Wei*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,97(17):17370320103.8413
13Conductance-dependent negative differential resistance in organic memory devicesYou, Y. T.; Wang, M. L.; Xuxie, H. N.; Wu, B.; Sun, Z. Y.; Hou, X. Y.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,97(23):23330120103.84112
14Electronic structure of Fe1.04Te0.66Se0.34Chen, Fei; Zhou, Bo; Zhang, Yan; Wei, Jia; Ou, Hong-Wei; Zhao, Jia-Feng; He, Cheng; Ge, Qing-Qin; Arita, Masashi; Shimada, Kenya; Namatame, Hirofumi; Taniguchi, Masaki; Lu, Zhong-Yi; Hu, Jiangping; Cui, Xiao-Yu; Feng, D. L.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,81(1):1452620103.77447
15High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of EuFe2As2Zhou, Bo; Zhang, Yan; Yang, Le-Xian; Xu, Min; He, Cheng; Chen, Fei; Zhao, Jia-Feng; Ou, Hong-Wei; Wei, Jia; Xie, Bin-Ping; Wu, Tao; Wu, Gang; Arita, Masashi; Shimada, Kenya; Namatame, Hirofumi; Taniguchi, Masaki; Chen, X. H.; Feng, D. L.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,81(15):15512420103.77416
16Theory of magnon-driven spin Seebeck effectXiao, Jiang*; Bauer, Gerrit E. W; Uchida, Ken-chi;Saitoh, Eiji; Maekawa, SadamichiPHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,81(21):21441820103.77496
17Thermal conductivity of overdoped BaFe1.73Co0.27As2 single crystal: Evidence for nodeless multiple superconducting gaps and interband interactionsDong, J. K.; Zhou, S. Y.; Guan, T. Y.; Qiu, X.; Zhang, C.; Cheng, P.; Fang, L.; Wen, H. H.; Li, S. Y.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,81(9):9452020103.77414
18Strong correlations and spin-density-wave phase induced by a massive spectral weight redistribution in alpha-Fe1.06TeXWeidong Sheng* and Jian WangPHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,82(16):16511320103.77423
19Enhanced superconducting proximity effect in strongly correlated heterostructuresZhang, Y.; Chen, F.; He, C.; Yang, L. X.; Xie, B. P.; Xie, Y. L.; Chen, X. H.; Fang, Minghu; Arita, M.; Shimada, K.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.; Hu, J. P.; Feng, D. L.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,82(17):17450220103.7741
20Electronic structures and spin gapless semiconductors in BN nanoribbons with vacanciesChen, Chun; Chen, Yan*; Wang, Z. D.; Ting, C. S.PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,82(19):19530820103.77421
21Magnetic field modulated exciton generation in organic semiconductors: An intermolecular quantum correlated effectPan, Yanfei; Yang, Zhongqin*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,82(20):20520920103.77413
22Anisotropic hole spins in single and coupled self-assembled quantum dotsDing, Baofu; Yao, Yao; Sun, Xiaoyu; Gao, Xindong; Xie, Zuoti; Sun, Zhengyi; Wang, Zijun; Ding, Xunmin; Wu, Yizheng; Jin, Xiaofeng; Choy, Wallace C. H.; Wu, Chang-Qin; Hou, Xiaoyuan*PHYSICAL REVIEW B:2010,82(7):07330820103.7744
23Applications of X-ray magnetic dichroism in spintronicsYizheng Wu*PHYSICS:2010,39(2):406-412  ???20103.7748
24Fractal plasmonic metamaterials for subwavelength imagingHuang, Xueqin; Xiao, Shiyi; Ye, Dexin; Huangfu, Jiangtao; Wang, Zhiyu; Ran, Lixin; Zhou, LeiOPTICS EXPRESS:2010,18(10):10377-1038720103.7539
25Quasi-whispering gallery modes of exciton-polaritons in a ZnO microrodSun, Liaoxin; Dong, Hongxing; Xie, Wei; An, Zhenghua; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, ZhanghaiOPTICS EXPRESS:2010,18(15):15371-1537620103.7539
26A chirality switching device designed with transformation opticsShen, Yuan; Ding, Kun; Sun, Wujiong; Zhou, LeiOPTICS EXPRESS:2010,18(20):21419-2142620103.7532
27Enhanced photoluminescence due to lateral ordering of GeSi quantum dots on patterned Si(001) substratesChen, Yanwu; Pan, Bingying; Nie, Tianxiao; Chen, Peixuan; Lu, Fang; Jiang, Zuimin; Zhong, ZhenyangNANOTECHNOLOGY:2010,21(17):175701-17570620103.6523
28Magnetism and perfect spin filtering effect in graphene nanoflakesSheng, W.; Ning, Z. Y.; Yang, Z. Q.; Guo, H.NANOTECHNOLOGY:2010,21(38):385201-38520820103.65225
29Effects of the RGTFEGKF Inhibitor on the Structures of the Transmembrane Fragment 70-86 of Glycophorin A: An All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Study.Huiyu Li, Yin Luo, Philippe Derreumaux, and Guanghong Wei*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B:2010,114(2):1004-100920103.6032
30Star-Shaped Donor-pi-Acceptor Conjugated Oligomers with 1,3,5-Triazine Cores: Convergent Synthesis and Multifunctional PropertiesRen, Shijie; Zeng, Danli; Zhong, Hongliang; Wang, Yaochuan; Qian, Shixiong*; Fang, QiangJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B:2010,114(32):10374-1038320103.60327
31Structural diversity of dimers of the Alzheimer Amyloid-β(25-35) peptide and polymorphism of the resulting fibrilsGuanghong Wei, Andrew Jewett, and Joan-Emma Shea.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS:2010,12(14):3622-362920103.45426
32Nontrivial Bloch oscillations in waveguide arrays with second-order couplingWang, Gang; Huang, Ji Ping; Yu, Kin WahOPTICS LETTERS:2010,35(11):1908-191020103.3189
33Mitochondrial Signaling for Histamine Releases in Laser-Irradiated RBL-2H3 Mast CellsWu, Zu-Hui; Zhou, Yu; Chen, Ji-Yao; Zhou, Lu-WeiLASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE:2010,42(6):503-509201034
34Unitary transformations purely based on geometric phases of two spins with Ising interaction in a rotating magnetic field,Yu Shi*ANNALS OF PHYSICS:2010,325(6):1207-121820102.9193
35First-principles studies for CO and O2 on gold nanoclusterXie, Yao-Ping; Gong, Xin-Gao*JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS:2010,132(24):24430220102.9112
36Entangled superfluids: Condensate dynamics of the entangled Bose-Einstein condensationYu Shi*PHYSICAL REVIEW A:2010,82(1):01363720102.8619
37Ground states of a mixture of two species of spinor Bose gases with interspecies spin exchangeYu Shi*PHYSICAL REVIEW A:2010,82(2):02360320102.8610
38Polarized entangled Bose-Einstein condensationWang, Jinlong; Shi, Yu*PHYSICAL REVIEW A:2010,82(6):06363720102.8610
39Interfacial processes in small molecule organic solar cellsLi WenBin; Song QunLiang; Sun XiaoYu; Wang MeiLiang; Wu HuanRong; Ding XunMin; Hou XiaoYuan*SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY:2010,53(2):288-30020102.8612
40Dynamical Green's function theory to study the optical phenomena related to metamaterialsWang, Weihua; Huang, Xueqin; Zhou, LeiPHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS:2010,8(1):23-3120102.750
41Short axis contact in the chaining of ellipsoidal particles of polar molecule dominated electrorheological fluidBao, W.; Zheng, J.; Wu, X. F.; Cao, J. G.; Yang, Z. J.; Ren, N.; Tang, Y.; Gao, Y.; Huang, J. P.; Zhou, L. W.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER:2010,22(32):324105-32411120102.3323
42Morphology of monolayer CuxAu1-x on Cu(001)Zhou, L. H.; Tian, C. S.; Lei, N.; Dong, G. S.; Jin, X. F.*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER:2010,22(39):39500720102.3321
43Directional emissions achieved with anomalous reflection phases of metamaterialsDing, Kun; Jiang, Tao; Hao, Jiaming; Ran, Lixin; Zhou, Lei*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:2010,107(2):02310920102.0790
44Four-fold magnetic anisotropy induced by the antiferromagnetic order in FeMn/Co/Cu(001) systemChen, G.; Li, J.; Liu, F. Z.; Zhu, J.; He, Y.; Wu, J.; Qiu, Z. Q.; Wu, Y. Z.*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:2010,108(7):07390520102.0791
45A bifunctional cloak using transformation mediaLi, J. Y.; Gao, Y.; Huang, J. P.*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:2010,108(7):07450420102.07921
46Scanning tunneling microscope study of nanosized metal-semiconductor contacts between ErSi2 nanoislands and Si(001) substrateSong, J. Q.; Ding, T.; Li, J.; Cai, Q.*SURFACE SCIENCE:2010,604(3-4):361-36520102.0113
47Electronic structure of Mn in (Zn, Mn)O probed by resonant X-ray emission spectroscopyJin, J.; Chang, G. S.; Xu, W.; Zhou, Y. X.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Finkelstein, L. D.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Zhang, X. Y.*; Moewes, A.SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS:2010,150(23-24):1065-106820101.9811
48Element-specific electronic structure of Mn dopants and ferromagnetism of (Zn,Mn)O thin filmsJin, J.; Chang, G. S.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Zhang, X. Y.; Finkelstein, L. D.; Xu, W.; Zhou, Y. X.*; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Moewes, A.THIN SOLID FILMS:2010,518(10):2825-282920101.9351
49Finite-size scaling of the specific heat for a three-dimensional homogeneous weakly interacting Bose gas within a canonical statisticsWang, Jian-hui; Ma, Yong-li*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS:2010,43(17):175301-17530920101.9021
50A comparison study of detecting gold nanorods in living cells with confocal reflectance microscopy and two-photon fluorescence microscopyZhou, Y.; Wu, X.; Wang, T.; Ming, T.; Wang, P. N.; Zhou, L. W.; Chen, J. Y.*JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD:2010,237(2):200-20720101.8728
51Influence of oxygen on the formation of cubic boron nitride by r.f. magnetron sputteringQi, Gang; Le, Yong-Kang*APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE:2010,256(10):3249-325220101.7950
52Synthesis of indium oxide hexagonal microcavity and identification of its whispering gallery modesDong, Hongxing; Chen, Zhanghai; Sun, Liaoxin; Lu, Jian; Xie, Wei; Tan, H. Hoe; Jagadish, Chennupati; Shen, XuechuPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS,2010,7(6):1672-167420101.7860
53Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide)-Coated Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Cell TrackingWang, Pu; He, Jia; Wang, Pei-Nan; Chen, Ji-YaoPHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY:2010,28(2):201-20520101.6335
54Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of DNA sequences by using chaos-game representation J. H. Wang and Y.L. Ma*CHINESE PHYSICS B:2010,19(1):01020520101.63112
55Thermodynamic properties of a finite Bose gas in a harmonic trapHan Jia-Jing; Fu Wei-Juan*CHINESE PHYSICS B:2010,19(5):5050220101.6311
56Special electronic structures of inverse spinels LiMVO4(M = Ni and Cu): a first-principles studyLi, S.; Yang, Z. Q.*EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B:2010,78(3):299-30420101.5751
57Preparation of underdoped Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta single crystalsWei, J.; Zhang, Y.; Peng, R.; Eisaki, H.; Feng, D. L.PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS:2010,470(1):12-1420101.4150
58Phenomenological Equation of State and Density Profiles of Strongly Interacting Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gases with Arbitrary Atom NumbersZhang, W. Y.; Ma, C. R.; Ma, Y. L.*JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS:2010,159(4-6):525-53920101.4030
59Impedance spectroscopy characterization of proton-irradiated GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cellsZhang, Xi; Hu, Jianmin; Wu, Yiyong; Lu, Fang*SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY:2010,25(3):3500720101.33340
60Reflectance of Micro-structural Material on AuFeng, Guojin; Li, Ping; Wang, Yu; Li, Cheng; Zhao, LiOPTOELECTRONIC MATERIALS, PTS 1AND 2:2010,663-665(1,2):154-15720101.2860
61Unitarity Schrodinger equation and ground state properties of the finite trapped uperfluid Fermi gases in a BCS-BEC crossoverW.Y. Zhang, C.T. Wang and Y.L. Ma*CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS:2010,27(4):04030420101.071
62Manipulate light polarizations with metamaterials: From microwave to visibleHao, Jia-ming; Qiu, Min; Zhou, Lei*FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS IN CHINA:2010,5(4):422-42220100.5813
63Apparently Negative Electric Polarization in Shaped Graded Dielectic MaterialsApparently Negative Electric Polarization in Shaped Graded Dielectic MaterialsFan Chun-Zhen; Gao Yin-Hao; Gao Yong; Huang Ji-Ping*COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS:2010,53(5):913-91920100.4880


1Spin Seebeck insulatorHe, Shaolong; Zeng, Zhenhua; Arita, Masashi; Sawada, Masahiro; Shimada, Kenya; Qiao, Shan; Li, Guoling; Li, Wei-Xue; Zhang, Yan-Feng; Zhang, Yi; Ma, Xucun; Jia, Jinfeng; Xue, Qi-Kun; Namatame, Hirofumi; Taniguchi, Masaki*NATURE MATERIALS;2010,9(11):894-897201029.92182
2High-Photoluminescence-Yield Gold Nanocubes: For Cell Imaging and Photothermal TherapyWu, Xi; Ming, Tian; Wang, Xin; Wang, Peinan; Wang, Jianfang; Chen, Jiyao*ACS NANO;2010,4(1):113-11720109.86570
3Plugging Into Proteins: . Poisoning Protein Function by a Hydrophobic NanoparticleGuanghong Zuo, Qing Huang, Guanghong Wei, Ruhong Zhou, Haiping Fang.*ACS NANO;2010,4(12):7508-751420109.86542
4Spin dependent electron-phonon interaction in SmFeAsO by low-temperature Raman spectroscopyL.Zhang, P.F. Guan,DonglaiFeng,Xianhui Chen,SishenXie,MingweiChen,*JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY;2010,132(43):15223-1522720109.0237
5Structures of [Ag7(SR)4]- and [Ag7(DMSA)4]-Xiang, HJ ; Wei, SH ; Gong, XG  *JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY;2010,132(21):7355-736320109.02330
6High Quality Factor Metallodielectric Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic CrystalsYu, Xindi; Shi, Lei; Han, Dezhuan; Zi, Jian; Braun, Paul V.*ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS;2010,20(12):1910-191620108.50839
7Optical Negative Refraction in Ferrofluids with MagnetocontrollabilityOptical Negative Refraction in Ferrofluids with Rayneau-Kirkhope, Daniel; Farr, Robert; Ding, K.; Mao, Yong*PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS;2010,104(3):03450120107.62241
8Macroporous oxide structures with short-range order and bright structural coloration: a replication from parrot feather barbsLi, Xi; Xu, Wen; Cao, Shihai; Cai, Qijia; Lu, Fang*JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY;2010,20(1):90-9320105.1015
9The Electronic and Optical Properties of Al2O3, MO, and MAl2O4 (M = Zn, Mg)Liu, Feng; Wang, Guobing; Jiang, Liping; Dong, Biqin*JJOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY;2010,10(8):5474-547920105.1010
10Modeling of Self-Assembled GeSi Nano-Dots and Corresponding Admittance SpectroscopyZhang, Fang-Ying; Zeng, Z.; You, J. Q.*JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY;2010,10(8):5495-549920105.1010
11First-Principles Study of Small Oxidized Silver ClustersWang, Y ; Gong, XG *JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY;2010,10(8):5500-550620105.1011
12A Mechanically Tunable Plasmonic Structure Composed of a Monolayer Array of Metal-Capped Colloidal Spheres on an Elastomeric SubstrateLei Shi, Haiwei Yin, Renyuan Zhang, Xiaohan Liu, Jian Zi, Dongyuan Zhao*NANO RESEARCH;2010,3(11):807-81220105.07813
13Probing ion channel activity of human islet amyloid polypeptide (amylin).Jun Zhao, Yin Luo, Hyunbum Jang, Xiang Yu, Guanghong Wei,Ruth Nussinov, Jie Zheng.*BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES;2010,1818(12):3121-313020104.84711
14The intriguing thermal conductivity of ice nanotubesUchida, K.; Xiao, J.; Adachi, H.; Ohe, J.; Takahashi, S.; Ieda, J.; Ota, T.; Kajiwara, Y.; Umezawa, H.; Kawai, H.; Bauer, G. E. W.; Maekawa, S.; Saitoh, E.*NANOTECHNOLOGY;2010,21(28):28570620103.8521
15Band structure and Fermi surface of atomically uniform lead filmsChen, Hui-Min; Zhao, Hui; Lin, Hai-Qing; Wu, Chang-Qin*NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS;2010,12(17):11303420103.8490
16Hyper-interface, the bridge between radiative wave and evanescent wave.Liu, Zheng; Liang, Zixian; Jiang, Xunya; Hu, Xinhua; Li, Xin; Zi, Jian*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(11):1135720103.84110
17Comparison of optical absorption in Si nanowire and nanoporous Si structures for photovoltaic applicationsXiong, Zhiqiang; Zhao, Fangyuan; Yang, Jiong; Hu, Xinhua*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(18):18190320103.84123
18Defect physics of the kesterite thin-film solar cell absorber Cu2ZnSnS4Chen, Shiyou; Gong, X. G.; Walsh, Aron; Wei, Su-Huai*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(2): 02190220103.841119
19A combined theoretical and experimental investigation on the transient photovoltage in organic photovoltaic cellsYao, Yao; Sun, Xiaoyu; Ding, Baofu; Li, De-Li; Hou, Xiaoyuan; Wu, Chang-Qin*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(20):20330620103.8411
20Effective band gap narrowing of anatase TiO2 by strain along a soft crystal directionYin, WJ ; Chen, SY ; Yang, JH ; Gong, XG ; Yan, YF ; Wei, SH *APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(22):22190120103.84149
21High performance optical absorber based on a plasmonic metamaterialHao, Jiaming; Wang, Jing; Liu, Xianliang; Padilla, Willie J.; Zhou, Lei; Qiu, Min*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(25):25110420103.841189
22On the origin of suppression of free exciton no-phonon emission in ZnO tetrapodsChen, S. L.; Lee, S. K.; Chen, W. M.; Dong, H. X.; Sun, L.; Chen, Z. H.; Buyanova, I. A.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,96(3):3310820103.8415
23Magnetic field effects on the electroluminescence of organic light emitting devices: A tool to indicate the carrier mobilityDing, B. F.; Yao, Y.; Sun, Z. Y.; Wu, C. Q.; Gao, X. D.; Wang, Z. J.; Ding, X. M.; Choy, W. C. H.; Hou, X. Y.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,97(16):16330220103.8417
24Ultrafast carrier and phonon dynamics in Bi2Se3 crystalsJ. Qi, X. Chen, W. Yu, P. Cadden-Zimansky, D. Smirnov, N. H. Tolk, I. Miotkowski, H. Cao, Y. P. Chen, Y. Wu, S. Qiao, and Z. Jiang*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,97(18):18210220103.84132
25Magnetically controllable unidirectional electromagnetic waveguiding devices designed with metamaterialsLiu, Shiyang; Lu, Wanli; Lin, Zhifang; Chui, S. T.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,97(20):20111320103.84117
26Strain relaxation and phonon confinement in self-assembled InAsSb/InP (001) quantum dashes: Effect of deposition thickness and compositionLei, W.; Tan, H. H.; Jagadish, C.; Ren, Q. J.; Lu, J.; Chen, Z. H.*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,97(22):22310820103.8411
27Indium oxide octahedra optical microcavitiesDong, Hongxing; Sun, Liaoxin; Sun, Shulin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Lei; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai*APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,97(22):22311420103.8414
28Quantum emulation of a spin system with topologically protected ground states using superconducting quantum circuitsYin, Shaoyu; Wang, Bin; Mann, Robert; Lee, Chong Oh; Lin, Chi-Yong; Su, Ru-Keng*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,81(1): 1450520103.77427
29Testing quantum contextuality with macroscopic superconducting circuitsOuyang, Shi-Hua; Lam, Chi-Hang; You, J. Q.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,81(17):17451320103.7743
30Intrinsic point defects and complexes in the quaternary kesterite semiconductor Cu2ZnSnS4Ezawa, Motohiko; Zang, Jiadong*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,81(24):24520420103.774132
31Backaction of a charge detector on a double quantum dotYou, J. Q.; Shi, Xiao-Feng; Hu, Xuedong; Nori, Franco*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,81(7):7530120103.77410
32Spin dynamics in electron-doped iron pnictide superconductorsHan, Jung Hoon; Zang, Jiadong; Yang, Zhihua; Park, Jin-Hong; Nagaosa, Naoto*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(10):10452020103.7744
33Thermodynamically stable single-side hydrogenated graphene Xiang, HJ ; Kan, EJ ; Wei, SH ; Gong, XG ; Whangbo, MH  *PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(16):16542520103.77426
34Exotic phase diagram of a topological quantum systemXiang, H. J.; Kan, E. J.; Wei, Su-Huai; Gong, X. G.; Whangbo, M. -H.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(17):17441220103.7745
35Wurtzite-derived polytypes of kesterite and stannite quaternary chalcogenide semiconductorsShi, Xiao-Feng; Chen, Yan; You, J. Q.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(19):15920320103.77465
36Experimental observation of quantum oscillations of perpendicular anisotropy in Fe films on Ag(1,1,10)J. Li, M. Przybylski, Y. He, and Y. Z. Wu*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(21):21440620103.7745
37Structural motifs in oxidized graphene: A genetic algorithm study based on density functional theory Xiang, HJ ; Wei, SH ; Gong, XG  *PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(3):03541620103.77437
38Structural and magnetic properties of single dopants of Mn and Fe for Si-based spintronic materials Shaughnessy, M.,Fong, C. Y.,Snow, Ryan,Yang, L. H.,Chen, X. S.,Jiang, Z. M*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(3):3520220103.7745
39hcp metal nanoclusters with hexagonal A-A bilayer stacking stabilized by enhanced covalent bonding  Li, SF ; Li, HS ; Xue, XL ; Jia, Y ; Guo, ZX ; Zhang, ZY ; Gong, XG *PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(3):3543320103.7743
40Graded index photonic hole: Analytical and rigorous full wave solutionLiu, Shiyang; Li Li; Lin, Zhifang; Chen, H. Y.; Zi, Jian; Chan C. T.*PHYSICAL REVIEW B;2010,82(5):05420420103.77411
41Structural coloration and photonic pseudogap in natural random close-packing photonic structuresXiaolong Zhu, Lei Shi, Xiaohan Liu, Jian Zi, Zhenlin Wang*OPTICS EXPRESS;2010,18(14):14430-1443820103.75321
42Surface plasmon coupling enhanced dielectric environment sensitivity in a quasi-three-dimensional metallic nanohole arrayZheng, Ming Jie; Wang, Gang; Yu, Kin Wah*OPTICS EXPRESS;2010,18(4):3546-355520103.75311
43The Effect of Disulfide Bond on the Monomeric Structure of Human Amylin Studied by Combined Hamiltonian and Temperature Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations.Rozita Laghaei, Normand Mousseau, and Guanghong Wei.*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B;2010,114(20):7071-7077 20103.60317
44Effect of the Disulfide Bond on the Monomeric Structure of Human Amylin Studied by Combined Hamiltonian and Temperature Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics SimulationsLaghaei, Rozita; Mousseau, Normand; Wei,Guanghong*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B;2010,114(20):7071-707720103.6032
45Plasmonic Gold Nanorods Can Carry Sulfonated Aluminum Phthalocyanine To Improve Photodynamic Detection and Therapy of CancersLaghaei, Rozita; Mousseau, Normand; Wei, Guanghong*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B;2010,114(51):17194-1720020103.6037
46Tunable hybridization at midzone and anomalous Bloch-Zener oscillations in optical waveguide laddersYang, Jiong; Hu, Xinhua; Li, Xin; Liu, Zheng; Jiang, Xunya; Zi, Jian*OPTICS LETTERS;2010,35(23):3865-386720103.3183
47An abnormal dielectric relaxation phenomenon observed in PbZr0.38Ti0.62O3 multilayersG. J. Hu, T. Zhang, H. J. Bu, J. L. Sun, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, D. M. Zhu, and Y. Z. Wu*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS;2010,107(9):472520103.0650
48Gold cluster beyond hollow cage: A double shell structure of Au58Han, Xiao-Jing; Wang, Yin; Lin, Zheng-Zhe; Zhang, Wenxian; Zhuang, Jun; Ning, Xi-Jing*JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS;2010,132(10):10430120102.9218
49Energy-gap opening and quenching in graphene under periodic external potentialsZhang, Igor Ying; Luo, Yi; Xu, Xin*JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS;2010,133(22):22470520102.9218
50Dynamics and quantum Zeno effect for a qubit in either a low- or high-frequency bath beyond the rotating-wave approximationZhang, W.; Yao, K.; Yang, Y.; Chen, C.; Hutton, R.; Zou, Y.*PHYSICAL REVIEW A;2010,82(2):2211920102.86118
51Imaging properties of a two-dimensional photonic crystal with rectangular air holes embedded in a silicon slabGu, Lei*PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS;2010,8(3):163-17120102.753
52Quantum Dot-mediated Photoproduction of Reactive Oxygen Species for Cancer Cell AnnihilationSun, J.; Shen, Y. F.; Chen, J.; Wang, L. G.; Sun, L. L.; Wang, J.; Han, K.; Tang, G.*PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY;2010,86(2):431-43720102.67921
53A study of the stripe domain phase at the spin reorientation transition of two-dimensional magnetic systemH. Y. Kwon, S. S. Hong, J. H. Seok, K. M. Bu, Y. Z. Wu, Z. Q. Qiu and C. Won*J. Magn. Magn. Mater;2010,322(18):2742-274820102.611
54Reflected wave of finite circulation from magnetic photonic crystalsChui, S. T.; Liu, Shiyang; Lin, Zhifang*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER;2010,22(18):18220120102.3324
55Evidence for competing magnetic and superconducting phases in superconducting Eu1-xSrxFe2-yCoyAs2 single crystalsZhou, Jie; Shen, Yi Feng; Wang, Yong Chun; Zhan, Yuan; Wu, Fang Fang; Guo, Chang Qing*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER;2010,22(23):23570120102.33213
56First-principles investigation of bilayer graphene with intercalated C, N or O atoms S J Gong,W Sheng, Z Q Yang and J H Chu*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER;2010,22(24):24550220102.33217
57Novel polarization beam splitter with a tolerance to large random disorderHe, Y.; Wu, T.; Wu, G.; Zheng, Q. J.; Liu, Y. Z.; Chen, H.; Ying, J. J.; Liu, R. H.; Wang, X. F.; Xie, Y. L.; Yan, Y. J.; Dong, J. K.; Li, S. Y.; Chen, X. H.*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS;2010,43(42):42510220102.1092
58Nonlinear optical properties and ultrafast dynamics of three novel boradiazaindacene derivativesYin, HuiQiong; Li, Wei; Hu, Xiao; Tao, Ruibao*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS;2010,108(3):03352020102.07911
59Microscopic theory of electron cotunneling through quantum dotsWang, Yaochuan; Zhang, Dakui; Zhou, Hui; Ding, Jinliang; Chen, Qiang; Xiao, Yi; Qian, Shixiong*JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS;2010,108(4):04370120102.0791
60A simple design of an artificial electromagnetic black holeLu, Wanli; Jin, JunFeng; Lin, Zhifang; Chen, Huanyang*JJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS;2010,108(6):06451720102.07923
61A comparative first-principles study of the adsorption of a carbon atom on copper and nickel surfacesHu, T ; Zhang, QM ; Wells, JC ; Gong, XG ; Zhang, ZY  *PHYSICS LETTERS A; 2010,374(44):4563-456720101.9636
62Annealing temperature dependence of Er3+ photoluminescence in alternately Er-doped Si-rich Al2O3 multilayer filmFan, W. J.; Qiu, X. P.; Shi, Z.; Zhou, S. M.; Cheng, Z. H.*THIN SOLID FILMS;2010,518(23):6993-699620101.9352
63Characterization of the interface between the Hf-based high-k thin film and the Si using spatially resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy  Wang, XF ; Li, Q ; Lee, PF ; Dai, JY ; Gong, XG  *MICRON;2010,41(1):15-1920101.6495
64Photonic band structure of three-dimensional colloidal crystals with field-induced lattice structure transformationZhang Li-Feng; Huang Ji-Ping*CHINESE PHYSICS B;2010,19(2):2421320101.6315
65Shot noise in electron transport through a double quantum dot: a master equation approachOu-Yang Shi-Hua; Lam Chi-Hang; You Jian-Qiang*CHINESE PHYSICS B;2010,19(5):5051920101.6312
66Characterization of Sn and Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix fabricated by magnetron co-sputteringHong, Qi-Jun; Liu, Zhi-Pan*SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY;2010,205(7):2247-225020101.6314
67Leaf undulator to realize polarization control with low on-axis heat loadYu, L. M.; Yang, M. J.; Wang, P. X.; Kawata, S.*REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS;2010,81(5):05610120101.6010
68A Mathematical Model for Peptide Inhibitor DesignGong, Yungui; Wang, Bin; Cai, Rong-Gen*JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY;2010,17(8):1081-109320101.61
69Study on the Intracellular Fate of Tat Peptide-Conjugated Quantum Dots by Spectroscopic InvestigationFu, Y.; Yao, K.; Wei, B.; Lu, D.; Hutton, R.; Zou, Y.*JOURNAL OF FLUORESCENCE;2010,20(2):551-55620101.66
70Edge states of epitaxially grown graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) studied by scanning tunneling microscopyYe, M.; Cui, Y. T.; Nishimura, Y.; Yamada, Y.; Qiao, S.; Kimura, A.; Nakatake, M.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.*EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B;2010,75(1):31-3520101.5759
71Colloidal electrostatic interactions between TiO2 particles modified by thin salt solution layersHou, Z. F.*JSOFT MATTER;2010,6(19):4800-480620101.39210
72Study on the exciton dissociation at the NPB-Alq(3) interfaceWang Ai-Fen; Sun Xiao-Yu; Li Wen-Bin; Zheng Xiao-Yan; You Yin-Tao*ACTA PHYSICA SINICA;2010,59(9):6527-653120101.2590
73Structural and optical properties of Er2O3 filmsFang, Ya-Hui; Liu, Zhi-Pan*JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS;2010,28(5):752-75520101.0865
74Nonlinear Optical Properties and Ultrafast Dynamics of Undoped and Doped Bulk SiCDong Zhi-Wei; Qian Shi-Xiong; Yang Xiu-Chun; Chen De-Ying*CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,27(12):12420220101.074
75Irradiation Effects of Femtosecond Pulses on Refractive Index of Ag-Embedded Nanocomposite GlassesDing Jin-Liang; Wang Yao-Chuan; Zhou Hui; Chen Qiang; Qian Shi-Xiong; Feng Zhe-Chuan; Lu Wei-Jie*CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,27(2):02780220101.070
76Two-Photon Fluorescence Property and Ultrafast Dynamics of Two Dipolar Compounds with Dipicolinate as Electron AcceptorWang Yao-Chuan; Zhou Hui; Ding Jin-Liang; Chen Qiang; Xiao Hai-Bo; Tao Xiao-Ming; Qian Shi-Xiong*CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS;2010,27(3):03820120101.075
77Anti-damping effect of radiation reactionWei, Guanghong; Jewett, Andrew I.; Shea, Joan-Emma*PHYSICA SCRIPTA;2010,81(1):01540320100.9850
78Nonlinear Optical Properties and Ultrafast Dynamics of a New Blue-Light Emitting PolymerWang Yao-Chuan; Yan Yong-Li; Zhou Hui; He Nan; Feng Miao; Qian Shi-Xiong; Chen Yu*ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA;2010,26(3):707-71320100.7340
79Noise Shielding Using Acoustic MetamaterialsLiu Bin; Huang Ji-Ping*COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS;2010,53(3):560-56420100.4884
80Numerical approximations of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem and applications to a density functional model Chen, HJ ; Gong, XG ; Zhou, AH  *MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES;2010,33(14):1723-1742201008
81Structural colouration and optical effects in the wings of Papilio peranthusZhang, Hao; Cen, Yan; Chen, Lifan; Zhu, Heyuan; Qian, Liejia; Fan, Dianyuan*JOURNAL OF OPTICS;2010,12(6):065301201003
82Fluorescence Enhancement by Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metallic Nanohole ArraysYu, Yue; Li, Yi*JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS;2010,1(1):315-3182010013